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KANELLATOU, PARASKEVI G., 2017.05. UNESCO & Intangible Cultural Heritage. Critical Study about the Integration of Elements in the Greek National Inventory – Case Study “Epirus Polyphonic Song”, Kontou, Aggeliki (tutor), Athens: Hellenic Open University, School of Social Sciences, Postgraduate Program “Cultural Organisation Management". [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28824.49928].

Thesis for the Cultural Management degree of the postgraduate program “Cultural Organisation Management / E.A.P. (Hellenic Open University) in Athens, 2017 [unpublished].

The notion of Intangible Cultural Heritage was developed by UNESCO in an attempt to preserve intangible cultural structures worldwide. The requirement for an entry to be recorded in UNESCO's list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is the identification by the National Index of the respective Member-State. The basic precondition for the recording of an element of Intangible Cultural Heritage to a National Index is the composition of inventories, followed by the approval of the specific proposals by the Competent Bodies that each Member-State has established.
The present dissertation deals with the concept of Intangible Cultural Heritage and other related matters (institutions, agencies, conventions, promotion and protection measures, practices, reflections). The study focuses on the practices by which the Intangible Cultural Heritage is supported and developed by Greek institutions and especially in the matter of applications for elements to be recorded in the Greek National Index. This thesis analyses as a research example the documentation of the "Epirus Polyphonic Song" element.

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